lauantai 1. maaliskuuta 2014

Everyone's a bitch until proved otherwise

Like my friend put it a few hours ago over drinks. We were talking about tolerance and prejudices especially from our views as girls from outside the Ring 3. It was funny to go back to the first moments we met each other and to see how our thoughts have changed. With some people, the preconception has only grown stronger but with others it has totally changed. 

I have a pretty good idea of what kind of a first impression people get about me and what they think of me after only a little time knowing each other. The funny part is, though, that I know there's a lot more to me than people guess at first and I have the ability to change their conceptions by opening up. I take a little time with it, since I like to find out what kind of people I'm dealing with and I need to make sure they are worth opening up to. Luckily, I have found reliable people so I can really get to know my friends and tell them who I am. And what better way to bond than good food and Disney movies?

The title is a little provocative, I know, and not how I usually operate. However, it highlights the question: do you find new people threatening and have a reserved attitude towards them or are you curious to see who they are? That is exactly what first impression is about, if you get a vibe that someone might be annoying, you keep looking for the annoying qualities until you've reached the conclusion if they are only a little or really annoying. Negative attitude before forming first impressions makes you look for the negative and the other way around.

After moving to the capital I have noticed qualities in myself I had never noticed before. For example, my blood was almost boiling when on a lesson on Friday some girl basically said that Finland consists of the capital area and the countryside. I get that some people haven't traveled much within the Finnish borders but come on. I have started to defend living in the countryside and find myself sometimes even objecting to some things that can happen or be found only in cities. Also, the lack of common sense I've noticed in some people is something I don't have much patience for. 

The perfect sunshine this morning made me miss summer a lot so here's a little summer feeling for everyone! 


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