torstai 27. maaliskuuta 2014

Between homes

Once again, I am in a train going back to Helsinki after eating my parents' food for almost a week. On the way there I decided that I am never ever taking a bus from Helsinki to Kuopio again, it was like torture. Six hours of pain in the back, legs and everywhere else since I had like 8 cm of space between my knees and the next seat row. What a wonderful experience. 

I wonder how many trips like this it's gonna take until I get used to changing the scenery so completely. A few more at least, since the previous days yet again seemed like a totally different life. Is it normal to feel like you have two lives, two realities that both seem to make perfectly sense when you're in it but instantly feel like a dream when you get out of the train at the other end? It's like this train is the closet that took the kids to Narnia, except I switch from a city to countryside. And the creatures at the other end are a bit more normal than those whom the kids encountered.

About a week ago our teacher said that very soon everything will fall into place and start making sense as far as the company project is concerned. Well, I really hope she was right and that it would apply in other aspects of life, too, since I feel like things keep forming a growing pile of stuff I have to manage to execute during my few hours in a day, everyday. Luckily, I found the best dictionary to help me study my entrance exam materials, my sister, and the articles are starting to make a little more sense than before. 

Yesterday I played the game called Castle, Princess & Earthquake. If only it was that easy to change the castle when things don't work out there, change the princess inside to fit the castle around and sometimes shake the earth properly in order to get some sanity in it.

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