tiistai 1. lokakuuta 2013

Bitten by a dancing bug

I am in the mood to hit the clubs and go dancing. It has been way too long since I've had a good time with my friends drinking and partying. Damn, it's been forever since I've even seen my friends! I am basically just a little hermit here in the countryside, every day in sweatpants and without makeup, sometimes I don't even brush my hair. So, it is a luxury to wear jeans and go out with makeup to the city, which is a nice, refreshing change. But now I can't wait until the burning injury has healed enough that I can carelessly dance all night in a nice dress until it gets light outside again.

There is something in the air in a crowded nightclub where the dancefloor is full of people and the music is so loud you can't even think. Maybe that's the secret, you just simply cannot even hear your own thoughts. Or if you can, the liquid magic makes it easier to shut it down. So you can just let go and dance all your worries and stress away. I have been so adult lately with the camp leading and everything that I just want one crazy night. Is it too much to ask? Henna, beware, you're coming with me!

Okay, I have to admit that right now at the moment I am tired and would much rather go to bed than to a club but when the dancing mood hits, the only thing that can kill it (for a while) is the bass that vibrates through your whole body. 

3 kommenttia:

  1. Herregud en oo aikasemmin tajunnu, et te asutteki vielä samassa kaupungissa :DD Jotenki vaa on tuntunu, et kaikki ollaa eri paikoissa.. Haha

  2. Jeeeee mennään vaaaaaan!! :)

    Ps. Mulla on hämärä muistikuva et sanoit et mainitsit mut täällä mut ei mitään hajuu millon tai mitä kautta sen olisit sanonu... Oonkohan mä vähän väsyny?

  3. Voi raukka ehkä sä oot :) sanoin eilen facebookissa mut et tainnu olla paikalla... ja emilia, nii en mäkää aina tajua! :D
