maanantai 6. lokakuuta 2014

Always, always, always read the manual first

The last thing I needed today was a kitchen disaster. Well, apparently I trust my technological skills way too much since I thought I will manage the use of a blender without reading the manual first. Boy, how wrong was I. 

I started happily adding my ingredients; a little yoghurt, some berries, apple jam, nettle seeds... Then I turned the blender on and everything was fine for a while. However, seconds into my attempt to make smoothie, I noticed a pink stream of my special mix flooding to the table. What made an even bigger mess, though, was trying to clean it up since it took quite a while to find the source of the smoothie bleeding. There was yummy pink stuff everywhere.

So, what happened was that I hadn't made sure that all the parts were tightly in their place, which made the smoothie start leaking through the machine. After cleaning up the mess and carefully testing a new round, I managed to finish it (20 minutes later than I thought it would take). As I thought that now it's over, finally, I found out that to my great delight, the blender cup did not fit into my fridge.

And the glass level was stuck so I couldn't put it lower. Probably due to a previous soup disaster where I discovered my fridge full of soup instead of only one can full of soup after the frozen soup had melted. 

I give up. Technology, (or whatever I could call these attempts with machines), you win.


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