There are always days at camps you just can't really remember afterwards and this has been one of them. Everything's starting to fall into place, youngsters have pretty much adapted and workers are doing their basic jobs. Nothing bad to say, nothing wonderful to say. We've managed to avoid more complications and situations to handle which lets us enjoy the normal camp life for a while.
This day has seemed to last twice as long as days in general. Several times we have wondered that yes, it still is Sunday! Three days behind, five ahead. Camp atmospheres go almost always without exceptions at a pace of rapid growth in the beginning, a steady couple of days and the final growth to the climax of the last day and a half. We're getting to the steady part, which is the time that strengthens the bonds between youngsters and workers but also makes us drop all pretenses and be genuinely ourselves. That sometimes can lead to small conflicts, tiredness, crankiness or bad days but since camps are part of life, it is normal.
If I was to point out some moments of realization and worthy of reminiscence, I'd mention our activity where groups toured from point to point to execute tasks related to the themes of altruism, co-working and difficulties of life. I got to brush up my Spanish when my colleague and I pretended to be strangers lost in a forest speaking different languages. They thought we'd gone insane but we had a blast!
This is the first time I am really exhausted, not that I have sleep deprivation or anything but I've just used all my energy. We'll see what tomorrow brings!
To be continued...
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