However, I have learned to really like living in the capital. There are still times when I feel really alone and that the city is so cold on an emotional level but I really am more comfortable there than before. I keep finding out the meanings of more and more words for things and places the people from Helsinki use which is good, since now I might actually manage to understand what people are talking about.
One reason why I am adapting well is probably getting to know new people at all the parties I've attended. There hasn't been a week since I moved there that I wouldn't have been at one.The last one was especially fun since I (finally) got to talk to people from different study programs. And yeah, spending every day around 20 to 40 girls, it was refreshing to have conversations with guys, too. Okay well at the bar I found myself surrounded by a conversation about football and they asked me if I know anything about it. When I started answering by "well, I know there are two teams and a ball and two goals..." the guys stopped trying to include me in the conversation. Anyway, I had a fun and successful night, since I won in alias (twice) and came second in a game at the bar where we needed to find our celebrity partner. The Beckhams should have won, though...
I've been here only for a day and I've already managed to think if it is possible not to be bored being in the middle of nowhere for a week... I can't have become that urbanized yet, right?
I can't get this song out of my head.
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