perjantai 6. joulukuuta 2013

All by myself

The theme of today has been independence all day long since it is has been 96 years since Finland fought for our people succesfully. It has been on my mind, too, though in a little different way. My independence day will be on January 11th since that is when I probably move out. Without a doubt this will be the biggest and most significant end of an era so far in my life. For the first time ever I will have an address that none of my family members live in. Actually, I have already signed the rental contract, but it won't be officially mine until January.

On one hand living on my own will be really good for me. I have to admit that I get annoyed pretty easily when someone here tells me to do this and do that. Having only myself to answer to, being in charge of every decision when it comes to cleaning up or cooking and having that peace and own space sounds exactly like what I need right now. Although I am a really social person and I like having people around, I am so looking forward to making my own life real instead of spendig a carefree day after another in the place that I am so grateful to have grown up in and that I'll always call home.

However, there are two sides to every coin. Though the first feeling is excitement, I am nervous. I know I'll make friends quite fast and I already have friends there, but I still wonder how long will I be able to purely enjoy the solitude before it'll become agonising. I won't be completely alone since there are two other girls living in the same apartment but if we don't operate on the same wavelength, it might create an atmosphere of discomfort which of course affects how well I adapt to living in the big city. 

I don't want to picture worst-case scenarios or intentionally create fears or bad feelings about moving, but I guess I am allowed to ponder my life at the edge of a huge change. Whatever happens, this will be a great thing that will teach me more than anything so far and give me plenty of new, exciting experiences I'll carry with me to a yet another adventure.

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