I can watch a movie in almost any kind of mood. Sad, happy, tired, a movie is always a nice choice of spending my free time. Of course, my mood affects the choice of movie. When I am feeling energetic and excited, I might watch some action movie. If I just want to relax, it is usually a romantic drama or a romantic comedy. Those are my absolute favorites. Horror isn't really my thing, it is too scary for me. I guess I am a romanticist, 'cause there's nothing better than a happy ending for a couple just before the credits.
For me a movie is a short break from my life. If I have any worries or problems, I can just put them aside for an hour or two and concentrate on someone else's life. It is comforting to see how characters deal with the same issues as I do. A little peer support is always good. The best part when it comes to that is that they solve the problems, which can help me get a perspective to my issues.
Another thing is the opportunity to feel strong emotions when there isn't so much happening in your own life. I am the kind of movie watcher who lives every second of it with the characters and try (intentionally or unintentionally) to find someone to identify with. I cry if something really sad (or even a little bit sad...) or extremely happy happens. It makes me feel some kind of borrowed happiness to see the characters happy. I know it is all pretending, acting, but hey, they do a good job when the audience believes the story to be as believable as real life. Also, the creativity of the screenwriters sometimes really strikes me and I might notice I'm thinking some sentence for days after seeing the movie. Even though there are many clichés in them, occasionally you can find a life philosophy worth following or at least pursuing.
A good story and believable people are almost enough to create a perfect moment, but there's one more thing I really love and that is music. Music makes the feelings so much stronger, the events much more meaningful and creates the right kind of mood for every scene. If a song is simply perfect for the moment, it alone can make me cry. If a movie leaves me with a state of mind filled with overwhelming emotions and thoughts, it has done its job perfectly, without a doubt. The best-case scenerio is that the film manages to shake my world a little bit. It touches deeply and that is the answer to my question in the beginning. Movies are more than pastime, they are experiences of the mind.
Here's a movie soundtrack song from a movie that made me cry probably more than any other movie ever in my entire life. No kidding, I have a witness.
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