sunnuntai 20. tammikuuta 2013

What dreams are made of

I dream of living in a huge, modern house made of white brick with big windows, at least one that is round, with my husband, kids and a dog. Or two dogs. It would be located just outside a big, nice city with an own yard. I dream of having a rewarding job, where I can make a difference and be in an important position. I dream of travelling abroad a lot, seeing new places and using my language skills. In addition, I dream of many things that are maybe better to be kept as a secret.... ;) I shouldn't reveal everything at once.

My dreams are my motivation. The reason why I work so hard at school now is that I want to have the foundation where I can start building my dreams. I feel like with this little effort now I can get into university and that way reach what I want out of life more easily. It is a price I am willing to pay. I have summer jobs because I want to have the money to travel when an opportunity comes. I know that I am the key to getting what I want. If I don't do anything, I won't achieve anything. As simple as that.

My dreams are my ambition. I am the type that goes for the gold instead of just getting through it. I feel like I have to do my best and give all I have in order to get what I want. I admit that sometimes my perfectionist-side is too strong and I get disappointed in myself, but on the other hand, I see nothing bad with wanting to invest in the thing you consider important. By investing I mean my time, my energy, my work.

My dreams are my guidelines. Whenever I am in a situation of making a decision, I try to chooce the best alternative keeping an eye on my future goals. Yeah, sometimes I go with what I want exactly at the moment as well, but when it comes to something bigger, I consider all the factors carefully. My dreams show me the way towards what I believe will make me happy. 

We all have dreams. But do we have the courage and the patience to go after them? I can say one thing for sure: I'll try. And I'll succeed. 

To finish this post I'd like to share this great song with you all. Music just makes you dream, don't it?




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