Happiness. A magical, almost worshiped term for -- what exactly? I have been wondering it sometimes and made some notices about this matter. First of all, it is a word that is impossible to define. It is something so personal, so subjective, so hard to explain but yet so visible. There are numerous books and guides written to help you achieve it and people seek for it continuously in their lives.
It is not a permanent state, nor is it just a normal feeling. I don't know what it should be called, to be honest. A state of mind? A temporary condition that reaches your every single cell and also the intangible parts of you? Well, that starts to be too philosophical to wrap my head around. I found it pretty odd when I was studying psychology and saw that a measure for your happiness level exists. Uhm.. not to undermine any fancy researches but I think it's not very reliable. You can't put it as a number and compare your level with someone else's. It is just wrong and tells you nothing. Yeah, I admit that it can be useful at times and might point you the right direction, but still. In my opinion a better measure of happiness is a smile. Not only the movement of your lips and facial muscles, no. It's the smile from the inside that can be seen in your eyes, the way that you carry yourself, every gesture you make and the vibe you send to people around you. Happiness is something you cannot fake. It is too true and genuine to be copied perfectly even by the greatest actors of our time.
Well, what brings happiness then? I dare claim that it is nothing material. Like the title hints, I strongly disagree with some people's intentions to buy it in a form of a new car, a plastic surgery, a wife, a video game or whatever it is they can think of. Speaking from own experience, I would say that one way to feel happy is to have you life organised and in control. Sometimes I get stressed over school stuff or all the other things I do, and those are times when I cannot feel truly happy. In case someone now thinks that she's got it all wrong, let me continue. It isn't that simple. Happiness is built on several things, and another is friends and other people close to you. I don't know what I would do without all my wonderful friends who I can talk to and tell my worries to and have fun with. They also happen to help me a looooot, whether it is just about using technical devices, choosing an outfit to wear or comforting with personal issues. The third main factor in my opinion is health. Being healthy I am free to do things, like sports ( I do kickboxing, which is soooo fun), going out, having pets, eating whatever I want etc. Also I don't have any heavy weights to carry on my shoulders since I know there's nothing wrong with me, and that is what helps a lot with self-esteem and being comfortable in my own skin. Besides, I'm the one person I have to stand for the rest of my life, so why not enjoy it? Hahaha that sounded kind of weird but it's true.
To sum up my partly confusing opinion, I could say that it is not about money, it is not about how you look, it is not about if you got the nicest teacher for math course nor is it about how expensive a car you own. You can succeed on your own, an old car gets you from one place to anohter just like a brand new one, you can weight 200 kilos -- you can still feel the happiest person ever existed.You just have to realise to stop seeking and start seeing it's right there in front of you.
Wow, the longest post ever! And hugs to my first readers, I am glad you care about my thoughts! Here's a song related to the theme, I hope everybody can feel a little happier after reading this :)
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